

La sexualidad en el Islam. http://www2.hu-berlin.de/sexology/GESUND/ARCHIV/kotb2.htm


Conclusiones de las jornadas de 2006 http://www.nodo50.org/feminismos/spip.php?article84
observatorio de género e islam en España: http://feminismeislamic.org/es/2congres/conclusions/
Malasia. grupo sister's Islam. http://www.sistersinislam.org.my/
Souad Eddouada
Professor at the Iben Tofail University in Kenitra, Maroc. Doctored for the Mohammed V University, Rabat, with a thesis about Women, Gender and the State: Contradictions, Constraints, Prospects. She has made various lectures and writings on Islamic feminism, women’s organizations and the situation of women in the Maghreb: “Gender, Public Islam and the Idea of Common Good in Morocco” (Nueva York), “Between Islam and Feminism: Muslim Feminists Challenging Borders” (Stockholm) o “Implementing Islamic Feminism: The Case of the Moroccan Family Code” (Berlin), among others. She has been co-editor and translator for online journal Third Space
Por ultimo, te recomiendo la lectura de estas dos investigadoras que adjunto aquí abajo. Las dos han estudiado relaciones entre hombres y mujeres musulmanes en África, y la verdad que algunas de sus observaciones de las ideas que defienden muchas mujeres en las sociedades que estudian son muy interesantes ya que rompen mucho con las ideas que se tiene sobre las mujeres musulmanas en el Occidente.
Lisen Dellenborg
Lisen Dellenborg is a lecturer in Social Anthropology, Human Rights and African Studies. She is also a member of the Sida Gender Help Desk located at Centre for Global Gender Studies. Her areas of interest include, gender, ethnicity, religion (Islam and indigenous African religions), women's organisations, male and female initiations and circumcision/excision, human rights.http://www.dissertations.se/dissertation/d0a0789900/

Maria Malmström is a Ph.D. candidate in Social Anthropology at the Department of School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. She has been engaged in research on gender issues since 1998, when she did a study for the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs and the National Board of Health and Welfare, Sweden. The purpose of her current research is to examine constructions of gender and their interplay with the wider social dynamics of modernisation in Egypt. Focusing on the changing relations and perceptions of gender among the popular classes of Cairo, this study seeks to understand the meaning of female circumcision and the cultural construction of women in relation to identity and social change. El nomre de su tesis es:"Gender, agency and the politics of female circumcision in Cairo" http://www.dissertations.se/dissertation/79086fcf0e/

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